These were taken in Duderstadt during my first weekend in Germany when I was staying with my personal tutor. It's a quaint little town with lots of country markets and fayres going on. From right to left it the rather interesting Rathaus (town hall) and then a catholic church, the name which I have quite lamely forgotten. But I'm sure you can all find it for yourselves!
Here is the Kloster in Altenberg, just south of Cologne, where I had my induction with the British Council and the PAD. It's quite an amazing piece of architecture, though the picture doesn't really do it justice! It's worth a visit. The inside isn't quite as ornate but does contain some interesting history about the area.
These sculptures are in one of the graveyards in Göttingen! They seem to have turned half of the graveyard into a park and there's a really nice lake and play area for kids. Sadly however, graffiti seems not only to be an english problem...
And here is the River Leine, just west of Göttingen. A couple of weeks ago I cycled south alongside the Leine to a large boating lake called Kiessee, getting slightly lost along the way because the biking map I had was really small, plus the signs weren't great, and so I ended riding alongside a tributary to the river and then stopping after about 20 minutes thinking it strange that I was still travelling west! Anyway, I found my way to Kiessee in the end.
B.E.A.UTIFUL pics.