Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Happy New Year! and a mish-mash of a post.

Apologies for not blogging for so long! And Happy New Year! To let you know, I returned to Göttingen late last night after travelling for 7 hours. A bit rubbish but it did give me time to start reading Piper's book 'Think'. Get it. It's good. (It's too late for an over-enthusiastic use of adjectives.)

Christmas was deeply refreshing, in more ways than one. I'll talk more on this maybe later, it will just suffice to say for the moment that I am truly grateful to God for understanding parents and the ability to be able to be so open and honest with them. Meeting up with old school friends was really great, plus I got to see a friend from uni who I hadn't seen since June. The usual christmas revelry ensued -of eating copious amounts of cake and chocolate that is... oh my bicycle how I have missed you! 2 weeks without cycling catches up on you quick!

2011: I'm hoping and praying for more wisdom and understanding; a higher cherishing of God's truth; a greater love for God and for those around me; a more sensitive heart and mind to the Spirit of God and His will.

Psalm 143 was a psalm I just had to pray through this christmas.
'I remember the days of old; I meditate on all that you have done; I ponder the work of your hands. I stretch out my hands to you; my soul thirsts for you like a parched land.' vv 5-6

Even if your cynical mind tells you that you can find satisfaction elsewhere; even if you doubt that He can fill you up and satisfy you; even if your friends or family or Satan in some fashion or other tell you that there is no rhyme or reason to life, think on this: Your soul thirsts for God because you were made in, through and for Jesus Christ, the Son of the Most High, the Living God Himself. There is a hole in our souls that is so deep that all our time on earth could not fill it. It can only be filled by the eternal God because our souls were fashioned with an eternal future in mind.

One thing I have learned this christmas is to continually stretch out my hands in prayer, to meditate on what my loving Lord has done for me for it is only in Him that there is a wholeness, a tangible reality and joy in living. What better way to enter the new year than to get down on your knees and to be honest with God about your heart, of its deceitfulness; its pride; its deep-seated fears; its objections to God's sovereign rule and will.

Give me Christ or else I die.

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