It says something about our consumerist culture though I think when the cheaper and more plentiful goods are such things as chocolate. I can actually buy a pack of biscuits for less than a bag of carrots!
It's also often the food stuff women turn to (that and Ben and Jerry's) when we're feeling a bit down and need a pick-me-up. Funny that eh, that we complain about being fat but when we're miserable we turn to things that will most probably make us even fatter. What a cycle!
Chocolate seems to be the accepted drug almost, even amongst christians. Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against eating chocolate pudding on Sunday! I think the problem is more that we eat far too much of it and I place myself on the guilty, first row. We binge and tell ourselves the excuse that it's Sunday, we've worked hard all week and so deserve a plate-full that could feed half of the African continent. Ok, yes, men eat more. Fact. I do have a brother and so am not ignorant of these things, but why is it deemed ok (sometimes even healthy) for a man to gorge himself at the dinner table, whereas a lady is often deemed to be unladylike if she takes a second helping? (Yes, I do frequently take a second helping) 'He's a growing lad': ever heard that one before?
Ok, so I do find it all quite humourous how my family especially -my other Grandma particularly when she was still alive- is bent on keeping me and my brother well fed. Whether I've been eating well enough is usually one of the first questions I'm asked when I come home.
Self-control though should be one of the marks of our salvation, yet I fear it is in this area that we most often fall down (she types while munching on a choccie biscuit that goes rather nicely with her cup of tea) You see the problem? I love chocolate. I love refined sugar. A little bit of what you fancy does you good apparently, the problem is it's usually quite a bit more than a little. There's the perfect snack for every occasion; the tit-bit biscuit you can dip into your tea or the crunchy snack bar perfect for slipping into your hand bag when you're on the go. The list of chocolate or sugar based snacks is endless and, more than that, there is an abundance of amazing chocolate here in Germany!
Who could resist such things as Kinder Riegel bars?

This website is also rather amusing:
Now I have a greater excuse for eating them! Not only are the adverts really cute but it's got milk in it, right?
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